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Breast Augmentation

Orlando Plastic Surgeon Creates Custom Contours with Advanced Breast Implant Options

Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, a board-certified plastic surgeon and Medical Director at The Aesthetic Surgery Centre, performs breast augmentation with the latest and most effective implant options, including saline, silicone, and the MemoryGel BOOST™ implant. Orlando, Florida — It’s no surprise that breast augmentation is one of the most widely performed cosmetic surgeries in Florida and the entire country. The procedure offers long-term enhancement of the breasts’ size and shape, providing countless women with custom contours. In personalizing a patient’s breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani — a renowned aesthetic plastic surgeon in Orlando — offers a plethora of breast implant options to ensure individuals obtain the exact curves they envision. At The Aesthetic Surgery Centre, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani provides classic implant options... Continue Reading

What to Know Before Breast Augmentation

Woman examining implants with doctor

Breast augmentation can be an effective procedure that rejuvenates a patient’s breast size and contours. Designed for reshaping and resizing one’s breasts, breast augmentation can be the ideal choice for women seeking to reimagine the shape and size of their breasts. Using breast implants, patients can augment the size, shape, placement, and overall appearance of their breasts. There are several details women should know before pursuing breast augmentation surgery. At our Orlando practice, breast augmentation can utilize four different types of implants which can be customized in size and shape, as well as placement on the chest. Our Orlando board-certified plastic surgeon Jon Paul Trevisani, MD will be able to provide insight on the best type, size, shape, and placement of breast implants for your... Continue Reading

How to Get More Cleavage


Cleavage, which refers to the space between both breasts, is often discussed during the consultation process as a common goal of breast enhancement. Many women seek a greater degree of cleavage to improve the way their clothing fits, enhance their silhouette, and gain a more sensual appearance. For patients who may not have the level of cleavage they desire, the placement of breast implants by a board-certified plastic surgeon offers an effective technique to attain more cleavage and achieve a more youthful look. Modern plastic surgery techniques even provide potential solutions to help women who have already had breast augmentation gain more cleavage without exchanging/replacing their implants.  The key to enhancing cleavage during breast augmentation generally lies in careful selection of the most ideal shape/size/type... Continue Reading

Why Do Breasts Lose Volume with Pregnancy?

Having a child is a life-changing experience for numerous reasons, some of which are more welcome than others. A common concern for expecting mothers involves the inevitable changes that their breasts go through both during and after pregnancy. Most women are aware that the breasts tend to experience a loss of volume and fullness throughout the body’s transformation, although not all individuals know exactly why such changes occur. Generally speaking, pregnancy along with the increase in hormones caused by gestation can lead to swelling of the fibrous breast tissue, as well as milk production in the breast glands. The weight of the breasts becomes heavier, and the skin starts to stretch to accommodate this change. As a result, breast sag can develop due to a... Continue Reading

How to Firm Sagging Breasts

Breasts may descend from their natural position on the chest for a number of reasons—gravity, weight fluctuation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or simply the natural effects of aging can culminate and cause a loss of shape in the breast tissue, ultimately resulting in the appearance of sag. Most, if not all, women experience some degree of breast ptosis (drooping) at one point in their life and seek out exercises or aesthetic treatments to restore younger-looking breasts. While some workout regimens claim to naturally firm and lift the breasts, these reports are usually misleading and untrue. There are indeed exercises designed to strengthen the pectoral (chest) muscles, but no workout can actually tighten the loose skin and breast tissue laxity that leads to the appearance of sag. Therefore,... Continue Reading

FDA Notifies Public of Recent Cases of BIA-ALCL

The FDA is raising awareness about recent cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) found in some patients with textured breast implants. Due to the excellent results Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani achieves with smooth implants, he has never seen the need to place textured breast implants; therecore, concerns of BIA-ALCL generally don’t apply to his patients. That said, our team wishes to inform the Orlando community of the FDA’s recent findings with regard to BIA-ALCL. BIA-ALCL is a rare form of lymphoma that affects the white blood cells in the immune system and typically develops in the capsule of scar tissue surrounding an implant. The number of people affected by the condition is very small compared to the number of patients who undergo... Continue Reading

When Is the Right Time to Get a Breast Lift?

Several factors contribute to sagging breasts, including significant weight loss or gain, pregnancy, nursing, and the natural aging process. Since women experience these moments at different points in their lives, it is safe to say that timing is unique for each woman; there isn’t one “perfect” time. To help determine if you are ready for a breast lift, ask yourself the following questions: Are my nipples pointing downward? Do my breasts lack firmness? Are my nipples/areolas positioned on a part of my breast that hangs below the breast crease? Am I unhappy with my breast size while wearing a bra? Are my breasts asymmetrical or unusually shaped? If you answered yes to any of the following questions, a breast lift, breast augmentation, or a combination... Continue Reading

Are Smaller Implants More Popular?

Selecting the best implant size can significantly impact a patient’s overall satisfaction with her breast augmentation results. While women who chose breast augmentation years ago often wanted to substantially boost the size of their natural breasts, many women today have a different goal. Rather than selecting implants that might maximize the bustline, our patients are increasingly seeking to attain a proportionate figure that creates a natural-looking silhouette. The reasons for the shift toward smaller implants vary from patient to patient. Many women are increasingly more active and invested in leading a healthy lifestyle. Smaller implants may be more conducive to participating in sports and other fitness activities, such as yoga, pilates, and CrossFit. Our more athletic patients typically desire a well-balanced body rather than breasts... Continue Reading