Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures — in fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently reported that it is still the #1 cosmetic surgery procedure, with 279,143 breast augmentations performed in 2015. Unfortunately, some women interested in breast enhancement might perceive it as a procedure only younger women undergo, and therefore avoid it. However, the truth is that there is no age limit when it comes to breast augmentation. Candidacy is actually determined by other factors, such as the patient’s overall health. While a patient’s age does not necessarily disqualify them from receiving breast implants, it can sometimes affect their aesthetic goals — for example, a younger patient is likely to be mostly concerned with increasing their... Continue Reading
Breast Augmentation
This question is a common concern among women interested in breast augmentation, but you can rest assured knowing that a mammogram can be effectively completed on breasts with implants. Experienced radiologists can examine an augmented breast by using specialized techniques, but the specific method used will depend on the breast implant placement (above or below the pectoral muscle). “Implant displacement” is typically the best approach for patients who have breast implants that are below the chest muscle. Using this method, the radiologist can push the implant back along the patient’s chest wall while pulling the breast tissue forward to capture four images (in addition to the four standard x-ray views). In some rare cases, the implants might continue to obstruct the views too much. In... Continue Reading
First of all, what is a Mommy Makeover? This procedure combines multiple cosmetic enhancement techniques to help restore the body to its pre-pregnancy figure. Breast lift and tummy tuck surgery typically will be included, and breast augmentation, liposuction, and/or facial rejuvenation can be added to further enhance the result. Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, our board certified plastic surgeon, customizes Mommy Makeover surgery to suit the unique needs and goals of each woman. Many women, although delighted to be mothers, are unsatisfied with how their bodies have transformed in the maternity process. Common concerns like sagging or deflated breasts and abdominal skin and muscle laxity often resist traditional means of improvement, including diet and exercise. A Mommy Makeover, however, is designed to treat these specific issues.... Continue Reading
Many young women seeking breast augmentation become concerned about how the procedure could potentially affect their future - if they have children later on, will having breast implants prevent them from being able to breastfeed their newborn? Although this is a common concern, the truth is that if your body was able to produce milk prior to breast augmentation surgery, you should still be capable to do so afterward. A small percentage of all women are simply unable to produce a sufficient amount of milk for a baby, so if a patient has never attempted to breastfeed prior to surgery, it is unknown whether or not she will be able to lactate after breast augmentation. When performed by a skilled and experienced board certified plastic... Continue Reading
Loose, inelastic skin developing in the breasts is a very common occurrence, and many women begin to feel very self-conscious when the breasts take on a “sagging” appearance. Often due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, genetics, weight loss, or even just the toll that gravity and the natural aging process eventually takes on the body, the effects of excess skin among the breasts can be significantly reduced and improved with breast lift surgery. When this option is considered by women here at the Aesthetic Surgery Centre, one of the most common questions we receive is: “Are breast implants necessary as part of a breast lift?” The answer ultimately depends on one’s individual needs and goals; but, in general, the answer is no. Breast lift surgery and breast... Continue Reading
Last Friday the trivia question on our Facebook Contest pertained to women interested in having a breast lift and breast implant surgery. The question, "Can a Breast Lift and Breast Implant surgery be done at the same time?" The answer is yes for some women but for many women the answer may surprise you! Read further to find out more information on this topic. There are numerous reasons why a woman may consider breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy, including the development of ptosis (drooping or sagging) as a result of genetic predisposition, pregnancy, or weight fluctuations. I have found that patients seeking this particular cosmetic enhancement also often desire fuller, more shapely breasts and request breast implants to help achieve this goal.... Continue Reading
If you are considering breast augmentation, it can be helpful to be prepared by understanding what you can expect during the recovery process. Every patient is different, so your recovery period might not be exactly the same as another person, but most patients are able to be up and walking around a bit 24-48 hours after surgery. Based on my patients’ individual progress, I advise them of when it is safe to return to their daily activities and exercise routines. After surgery, I will provide you with specific directions to help you heal properly. These aftercare instructions are extremely important for a successful recovery. A surgical garment (similar to a sports bra) will need to be worn to help reduce swelling and provide support as... Continue Reading
Last Friday the trivia question on our Facebook Contest pertained to a particular complication following breast implant surgery known as capsular contracture. Our Facebook Fans did an excellent job explaining this phenomenon! The second part of the question was, “Is capsular contracture covered in a warranty?” The answer is surprisingly YES! First let’s talk a little more about Capsular Contracture. Capsular contracture is a rare occurrence that can sometimes affect women who have breast implants. The condition is characterized by thick tight scar tissue forming around the breast implant and causing a feeling of hardness to the breast. Capsular contracture can also have an effect on breast shape and discomfort may also be evident. The surgical removal of this scar tissue is called Capsulectomy. HOW... Continue Reading