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Breast Augmentation

How Can Breast Implants Change How I Look?

Last Friday our trivia question on Facebook pertained to achieving aesthetic goals and outcome based on a friend's result. Everyone answered correctly and will receive 2 points! When considering breast augmentation, many patients wonder how to choose the right type of implant. A common concern for patients is what they will look like after the procedure - they do not want to end up with breasts that are larger than they expected, but they also do not want their breasts to be smaller than what they were hoping for. To help ensure the best possible outcome, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani works with his patients in their consultation to help them find a shape and size that meets their needs. Patients are able to review before... Continue Reading

What Breast Implants To Choose – Saline or Silicone?

Last Friday the first trivia question was posted on our Facebook Page to start off the “Feeling Fit and Fabulous” Contest and plenty of responses came flooding! The question was ‘When considering breast implants would you choose Saline or Silicone, and tell us why?’ At the Aesthetic Surgery Centre by Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, patients are choosing silicone over saline implants. Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani attributes this propensity for silicone breast implants to a more natural look and feel of the new generation of implants, which now use a cohesive silicone gel. “There are two main differences between the new generation of silicone implants and the silicone implants of the past. The first is that the outer shell or covering of the implant is thicker... Continue Reading

Which Breast Implant Shape is Best?

In Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani’s last blog post, he outlined some important information to consider when selecting the appropriate breast implant size for your breast augmentation procedure. In the second installment of this 2-part blog series, he discusses how to choose the shape that will best create the look you want to achieve: My patients often worry about selecting the right size when it comes to breast implants, but size isn’t the only thing to be considered these days. With advancements in cosmetic surgery procedures, there are now many options available for patients considering breast enhancement. Breast implants also now have a variety of shapes, textures, and profile options. Some patients prefer teardrop-shaped implants over the more traditional round implants, because they feel it provides... Continue Reading

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

When breast augmentation patients are deciding what breast implant size to choose, there are many important factors to consider. Many patients make the common mistake of thinking that a certain volume translates the same way for all people. For example, if a patient’s friend got 350cc, and they think their friend’s breasts look too large, that same volume might not necessarily look too large on them. On that same note, if they like the way a friend’s implants turned out, saying they want the same breast implants as their friend might not be the right choice, either. It is important to remember that everyone’s body is different, so the same size implant will look different on various body shapes and sizes. When selecting the appropriate... Continue Reading

How Old Do I Have to be to Get Silicone Implants?

Last Friday we asked our Facebook fans if 21 year-old Miss Jessica Smith can have silicone implants. The answer to this is MAYBE. Yes, Jessica needs to be 22 years old to undergo breast augmentation using silicone implants IF this is her first time having breast augmentation and if this was strictly for cosmetic purposes. However, if Jessica was having revisionary surgery or reconstructive surgery then she is able to have silicone implants despite her age. The FDA approved silicone gel-filled breast implants for increasing breast size (augmentation) in women age 22 or older and for reconstruction (after breast cancer surgery or other medical issues) in ALL women. Silicone implants are also approved for revision surgeries, which correct or improve the result of an original... Continue Reading

What To Do With a Leaking Saline Implant?

Last Friday, we posted the following trivia question on Facebook, What do you do about a leaking saline breast implant?  We received many responses to this post!  We have had patients come to the Aesthetic Surgery Centre with deflated saline implants that happened years ago and wish to address the problem now.  Although it is desirous to have the surgery to correct the deflated implant to restore symmetry and balance, the truth is that is not always medically necessary to have the surgery done immediately.  Keep in mind that if a saline implant breaks, all that leaks out is saltwater.  The saltwater is harmlessly absorbed into the body.  On occasions, the breast may rapidly change shape as the fluid leaks out.  In this instance, the... Continue Reading

Debunking Myths on Breast Augmentation: Part 2

A few months ago we talked about some myths related to Breast Augmentation. So, I had a few questions last week that I wanted to enlighten you and take this opportunity to “debunk some more myths”. Let’s get right to it. Our first myth is related to the question posted on Facebook last Friday: Myth: “Going under the muscle is better” Fact: I usually hear this from patients and they will almost always tell me, “My best friend recommended to get them done under the muscle. All my friends got them done under the muscle and they look great, so I want my implants under the muscle.” It’s important to keep in mind that your anatomy, physique, your breast shape/size/disposition is going to be different... Continue Reading

Debunking Myths on Breast Augmentation: Part 1

During my portion of the consultation with patients, I often times get statements from patients that are untrue that they have heard from friends or have seen on the internet. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to “debunk some myths”. Let’s get right to it: Myth: “I’m too old to get Breast Augmentation” Fact: During your consultation, your health and medical history will be reviewed in great length. So ladies, if you are healthy and in good medical condition there is no reason why you cannot have Breast Augmentation. Women finally make time and invest money on them when they are ready…and that can be in their 40s, 50s or even 60s! So, it’s never too late! Myth: “Implants will lift my breasts” Fact:... Continue Reading