The Food and Drug Administration approved a new silicone breast implant from Sientra for use in the United States. This will be the third company in the U.S marketing silicone breast implants. The product is also offered by Allergan Inc. and Johnson and Johnson (unit of Mentor Worldwide, LLC). Sientra is based in Santa Barbara, California and founded by Chief Executive Hani Zeini who helped launch this privately held company. Sientra will offer implants in multiple shapes and sizes, in addition to the round implants currently manufactured by Allergan Inc. and Johnson & Johnson’s Mentor Worldwide, LLC. Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani says his patients chose silicone over saline implants at roughly the same percentage, and often attribute their choice to the more natural appearance and... Continue Reading
Breast Augmentation
Select surgeons are allowed to use the CPG implants. Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani is one of the select surgeons in Florida who has the special privileges of CPG implant use. Surgical expertise and a commitment to careful patient follow-up were the criteria in choosing the select surgeons. The main advantages of CPG implants include longevity and shape. Rippling is least evident in these type of implants and therefore the development of folds is very minimal to none. It is the folding of the implants that cause implants to ultimately fail. What distinguishes these type of implants is that the silicone gel is much firmer – synonymous to a “soft solid”. If a CPG implant is cut in half, there is no gross movement of gel... Continue Reading