How Does Smoking Affect My Surgery Results?
We all know that smoking is bad for you, that it can cause an increased risk of getting cancer and vascular disease. We also know that smoking ages us and gives us bad breath. However, often times patients will ask me, “Why do I have to stop smoking before my surgery?” Let’s talk about the reasons to stop smoking for elective plastic surgery.
Smoking can have serious detrimental affects to abdominoplasty and breast enhancement procedures. At the Aesthetic Surgery Centre, we want our patients to be healthy and eliminate any factors that may put a patient at a higher risk of post-operative complications. Smoking can lead to the following problems:
• Risk of infection increases
• Pneumonia
• Tissue death/necrosis
• Poor wound healing
• Abnormal scarring
• Bruising
• Longer recovery
• Decreased Blood circulation
Nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor and closes off blood vessels responsible for bringing oxygenated blood to the tissues. It is this rich-oxygenated blood that helps with wound healing. This oxygenated blood helps keep tissue alive and helps fight infections. So the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke critically reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen which is essential for wound healing.
Non-smokers enjoy better and longer lasting results, quicker recovery and less risk. In short, if you are considering plastic surgery, you may also want to seriously consider the idea that this is the perfect time to quit smoking. Call or email us today and schedule your private consultation with Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani to discuss your health concerns related to the procedure of interest.
Submitted by: Roshani J. Patel