Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, a top-rated Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Orlando, highlights the most popular regions for selective fat removal via liposuction. Orlando, FL — As cosmetic surgery continues to grow in demand, liposuction has emerged as one of the most frequently performed procedures in the country — even overtaking breast augmentation as the most popular plastic surgery for three years in a row*. This method of isolated fat removal is considered long-lasting, predictable, and less invasive than comparable body sculpting procedures. One of the primary benefits of liposuction is its versatility and ability to treat virtually any region of the body with natural-looking results. Some of the most popular treatment sites for liposuction include areas like the neck, abdomen, upper arms, inner thighs, hips,... Continue Reading
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Orlando, FL — A tummy tuck is among the most frequently performed procedures in the United States and offers a more sculpted abdominal profile for patients affected by weight gain, pregnancy, or aging. While the cosmetic benefits of tummy tuck surgery are well-documented, some individuals may not be as familiar with the ways in which abdominoplasty can enhance health and well-being. Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, an Orlando-based board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon, prioritizes informing those considering a tummy tuck of the full spectrum of results possible, as well as the potential limitations and risks associated with the procedure. The medical benefits possible with a tummy tuck range from enhanced mobility and a stronger core to improved overall comfort, depending on details unique to each patient. One... Continue Reading
Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, an Orlando-based Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, outlines simple tips to preserve the integrity of liposuction results. Orlando, FL — With the ability to re-sculpt areas of excess fat buildup in many different areas of the face and body, liposuction is one of few treatment options that can achieve lasting results with less invasiveness than other body contouring procedures. Although surgery is designed to permanently remove fat cells, this doesn’t prevent patients from gaining weight and potentially affecting their new body contours in the future. Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, Medical Director of The Aesthetic Surgery Centre and a well-known Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Orlando, reveals the benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle in maximizing the results of a liposuction procedure. Liposuction is designed... Continue Reading
Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, lead plastic surgeon at The Aesthetic Surgery Centre, explains the difference between full abdominoplasty and a mini tummy tuck. Orlando, FL — A tummy tuck is widely considered to be one of the most effective procedures to reshape the abdominal area, especially for patients who have stretched internal musculature due to pregnancy and weight gain. The procedure not only repairs weakened abdominal muscles, but can also get rid of excess, sagging skin in the midsection causing self-consciousness, chafing, and skin irritation. On top of performing a standard abdominoplasty, Orlando plastic surgeon Jon Paul Trevisani, MD, FACS offers a “mini tummy tuck” for patients whose concerns do not warrant a full tummy tuck procedure. This shortened version of tummy tuck surgery can... Continue Reading
Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani explores how a tummy tuck, breast lift, and other post-weight loss body sculpting treatments can remove hanging skin from the body. Orlando, FL — Excess skin can be a frustrating concern for individuals who struggle with skin inelasticity following significant weight loss. Not only can stretched, hanging skin compromise one’s body contours aesthetically, but excess tissue also tends to cause chafing and skin irritation. For these reasons, many patients who have lost major weight come to Orlando-based Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Jon Paul Trevisani, MD seeking solutions to remove the excess skin compromising their new body shape. At his Orlando-based practice, The Aesthetic Surgery Centre, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani offers a range of post-bariatric surgery options to trim extra skin and smooth... Continue Reading
Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, lead plastic surgeon at The Aesthetic Surgery Centre, provides Florida patients with recovery advice after a Mommy Makeover. Orlando, FL — If you’ve looked into post-pregnancy aesthetic treatments, you’ve likely heard of a Mommy Makeover. A Mommy Makeover is a series of customized procedures personally tailored to reverse the changes caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Having children can be a catalyst for a range of aesthetic concerns, such as flat breast contours, lost fullness and volume, fat accumulation, and a protruding belly. In addressing these anatomical changes, a Mommy Makeover can allow patients to treat many different regions of the body in one comprehensive surgical plan. As a treatment option involving multiple procedures, a Mommy Makeover requires a certain amount of... Continue Reading
Jon Paul Trevisani, MD, FACS of the renowned Aesthetic Surgery Centre in Orlando clarifies the safety of breast implants and breaks down recent implant-related health concerns. He also explains how to safely remove one’s implants during a procedure known as en bloc capsulectomy. Orlando, FL — Since the inception of breast implants, breast augmentation has remained steadfast as one of the leading cosmetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons nationwide. Saline and silicone breast implants are popularly used to add volume, fullness, and contour to the breasts, often yielding a long-term enhancement that lasts for decades. While countless women enjoy their breast implants for a lifetime, the desire to eventually remove one’s implants—whether as a preventative measure or due to advancing age—is also prevalent. Dr. Jon... Continue Reading
After multiple years of being recognized as a Top Doctor, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani of the Aesthetic Surgery Centre takes the local magazine’s annual “Doctor of the Year” honor. Orlando, FL – Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Orlando and the founder of the Aesthetic Surgery Center, is Orlando Style Magazine’s most recent “Doctor of the Year.” The honor is bestowed upon the doctor who receives the most votes from readers after the results of an online poll are tallied. “Dr. Jon,” as his patients call him, has been the recipient of numerous honors and recognitions since the opening of his plastic surgery practice in 1997. In addition to previous distinctions in Orlando Style Magazine, he has been named as one of... Continue Reading